Today at track practice I was aloud to take the day off. Instead of running or working out with some of the team I helped pull out mats and stuff for the high jump and pole vault. While we were taking out the mats we moved one of them and heard this squeak and then we saw a mother squirrel run a crossed the top of the shed. One of the track girls freaked she didn't know what it was.
As for me who loves bats I got very curious. I went and looked to see what squeaked. At first it looked like a baby mouse but after we got the last mat out, where they made their nest, I looked at all three babies. They looked bigger than mice babies so we figured out that they were squirrel babies.
I kept telling people to leave them a lone and don't touch the babies. One girl was very sad because they were going to die. She wanted me to pick up two of the babies and put them back with the other one. Now I help save bats, I am all for helping save other animals to but I never helped baby squirrels before I wasn't sure what to do. This one girl wanted me to pick them up with my jacket and move them. When I said if I had gloves I would she got mad. She said she would take my jacket and do it.
The only reason why I was asked/told to help them was because I have my rabies shots and they do not. I went to my locker and grabbed gloves and my phone. I called my mom and told her what was up. My mom sent my dad to come help.
we put all three baby squirrels in a box and put some of the matting and stuff that was a part of their nest with them. Then I called my mentor Ken from BATCOW and asked him what he thought we should do. He told me to put them in a corner by the shed where we found them so momma squirrel will hopefully come back and get them. We did that and then blocked them a little bit so no one will hopefully bother them. Then I got a shovel and broom and cleaned up the nest that was still in the shed.
After that was done I went to see if the team needed any help putting pole vault together, they didn't. On my way to go change out of my workout clothes I saw the girl who told me to move the squirrels. I let her know er did and she didn't care at all.
I am really hoping mommy squirrel takes care of her babies away from our shed so they don't get harmed. If you get a chance to rescue an other animal, do it. Just because it may not be the one you like the most but it makes you feel good inside when you help someone, something or any animal.
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